The Annual Meeting from last fall had a live audience again this time and a recording of it makes up the January monthly program. Jesus said "everyone who exalts himself will be humbled", and the GB as usual waste no time in exalting themselves over the course of the annual meeting.
During Splaine's talk, he says I guess what he thinks is a profound part of the talk outline, and then says "I'll repeat that", and reads it again. He's not reading from the Bible, he's just reading from his own talk, and he backs up to re-read his own words for the audience to take note of with such undue reverence. They say they aren't inspired but they think they basically are.
Later they show the progress of the large media construction project, and just in case you aren't as excited as you should be, the narrator turns on the applause sign by saying, "no doubt, seeing these images is very exciting and encouraging for you".
Another crazy thing was during their convoluted new light on end-times prophecy. One thing I've seen joked about a few times on this forum is taking a scripture and adding or replacing words with very specific JW doctrine. Well, this time they actually did it for real. I didn't see it coming and laughed out loud when it flashed on the screen. They took a scripture from Daniel, and added their own words to fit their current interpretation, like "great crowd", "1914" and "Jesus Christ" instead of Michael.